SMART Approaches – a joint industry initiative
The SMART Approaches trials are a joint aviation industry initiative involving the following partners:
Airways New Zealand – Airways manages New Zealand’s 30 million km of airspace, providing air traffic control, surveillance, communication, flight inspections, mapping and airspace design services.
Airways’ main role in relation to the SMART Approaches trials is designing the SMART flight paths and procedures for use of those flight paths, and integrating the SMART trial aircraft into the overall air traffic approaching and departing Auckland Airport.
Auckland Airport – Airports provide the infrastructure for aircraft to land and take off, and facilities for processing passengers as they arrive and leave. An airport’s main influence in relation to aircraft noise relates to its role in on-airport development, influencing off-airport development (e.g. via designations in District Plans), and airline schedules management.
The main role of Auckland Airport in relation to the SMART Approaches trials is agreeing to the instrument flight procedures and responding to concerns raised by the public about aircraft noise.
Board of Airline Representatives New Zealand (BARNZ) – BARNZ is an incorporated society comprising 21 member airlines which operate scheduled domestic and international services into and within New Zealand.
BARNZ represents the airlines using the SMART Approaches.
Civil Aviation Authority – The Civil Aviation Authority of New Zealand (“CAA”) regulates civil aviation in New Zealand and enforces ICAO’s standards and regulations to the extent they are incorporated into relevant New Zealand legislation.
The New Zealand Government agreed in August 2011 to the development of the Policy and a National Airspace and Air Navigation Plan. The CAA is leading the development of the Plan, and it states that performance-based navigation will be an important component of this work.