Filming & photography at the airport

Auckland Airport is an exciting place with lots happening.

If you’d like to film or take photography for commercial use at Auckland Airport you need to seek approval in advance of your visit. This helps us plan for your filming, while making sure the day-to-day operations of the airport can continue smoothly.

Sometimes requests to film may also need to be approved by the various airlines, government agencies and other organisations operating at Auckland Airport.

For operational reasons there may be times we’ll need to decline requests to film at the airport, so please make sure you contact us in advance.

News and Current Affairs

News crews wanting to film or take photographs at the airport terminals, car parks, roads and airfield need to contact the Auckland Airport communications team on +64 (0)27 406 3024 prior to filming. This means we can let our operations teams know media crews are working in or around the terminals.

It is good to give us as much notice as possible although we understand that breaking news doesn’t always allow for advanced warning.

Access to airside areas - the airfield and areas after security - is only possible under special circumstances and requires several days’ notice. News media crews cannot film security staff or people dealing with security equipment unless permission has been granted by the relevant border or government agency.

General information about flight delays and cancellations due to weather and other events can be found on our flights page, or Twitter feed.

Commercial filming

All commercial filming requests are reviewed on a case-by-case basis. If you would like to film or photograph at Auckland Airport for commercial purposes, please compete the Request Form via the link above. Please ensure all requests are sent at least 10 working days before your proposed filming date. We look forward to hearing from you.

Social media

Auckland Airport asks social media users to be considerate of other people in the terminals and to seek permission before filming or photographing someone, this includes staff, passengers and members of the public.

Filming at the airport request form

Filming at the airport request form

View form