Being a sustainable business matters

Sustainability matters to Auckland Airport because we are a long-term multi-generational business. It is natural for us to take a long-term approach to our place in the world, the New Zealand economy and the local environment and community in which we operate.

We are committed to making a positive contribution through our business activities, operating in a way that creates enduring value for New Zealand and generations to come.

Auckland Airport was one of New Zealand’s early adopters of sustainability principles and has made considerable progress in the areas of emissions reductions, energy savings, waste management and social performance. We have lifted our sights and challenged ourselves again by setting another suite of sustainability targets, which outline how we will create value for our people and communities; contribute to the economy; and help tackle global challenges such as climate change.

Our Sustainability Pathway to FY30 is focused around four key pillars:

Our sustainability targets are:

What matters most

Every three years we undertake a comprehensive materiality assessment involving input from key internal and external stakeholders to identify the sustainability issues and topics that are most significant for our business. In our 2023 materiality assessment, we applied the principles of double materiality and aligned our approach with the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) standard and United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

Our 2023 material issues are:

  1. Health, safety and wellbeing
  2. Customer experience
  3. Wider economic contribution
  4. Responsible employer
  5. Sustainable infrastructure
  6. Climate change mitigation and adaptation
  7. Diversity, equity, and inclusion

And although they have not been identified as material to the business in the 2023 materiality assessment, Auckland Airport is committed to being a good neighbour and will continue to focus on the following topics:

  • Aircraft noise
  • Community and tangata whenua involvement
  • Minimising our environmental impact

Recognising our sustainability performance

Dow Jones Sustainability Asia Pacific Index

Auckland Airport has been included in the Dow Jones Sustainability Asia Pacific Index since 2012, recognising leadership in sustainability performance.


Auckland Airport has been included in the FTSE4Good Index since 2008.


Auckland Airport has been a Participant Member of GRESB (Infrastructure) since 2017.


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Managing aircraft noise

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Engaging with local Māori

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Community giving and fundraising

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Employer and location of choice

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Ethical business

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