Protecting our climate

Auckland Airport is a vital gateway for travel and trade, however aviation also contributes to climate change. The impacts of climate change, including rising sea levels and temperatures, and unpredictable weather patterns will impact our company, the local community, New Zealand and the planet. So, while Auckland Airport keeps New Zealand connected, it has an equally important responsibility to play its part in decarbonising aviation for a lower-emissions aviation future.

In 2024, Auckland Airport achieved Level 4 Airport Carbon Accreditation from Airports Council International (ACI), putting it among the world’s leading airports in terms of sustainability. The ACI Airport Carbon Accreditation is the only institutionally endorsed, global carbon management certification programme for airports. At Level 4 ‘Transformation’ of Airport Carbon Accreditation, airports are required to align their carbon management ambition with the global climate goals and transform their operations with absolute emissions reductions in mind, while also strengthening their stakeholder engagement. This achievement recognises the work we have done and our ongoing commitment to cutting carbon emissions.

Playing our part in aviation decarbonisation

Our decarbonisation pathway will see us reduce direct (scope 1 and 2) emissions by 90% from a 2019 baseline by 2030.

This means that Auckland Airport is changing how we operate, including:

  • We’ve installed an electric heat pump in Pier B and are preparing to replace the remaining natural gas boilers with more energy efficient electric alternatives as we upgrade the rest of the terminal.
  • We are transitioning our staff fleet to electric and hybrid vehicles.
  • We are phasing out the most harmful refrigerants (R22) and using refrigerants with the lowest global warming potential (GWP) possible.
  • Our premium outlet shopping centre, Mānawa Bay, hosts New Zealand’s largest rooftop solar system at 2.4 megawatts. The Transport Hub also supports a 1.2 megawatt rooftop solar array.
  • We have purchased certified renewable energy (RECs) from Meridian Energy Limited. RECs certify that the electricity purchased by Auckland Airport is from renewable sources. The net proceeds of the purchase of RECs are reinvested into community projects that support the decarbonisation of New Zealand, such as the purchase of electric vehicles (EVs), the installation of EV charging facilities and the installation of solar panels.This allows the Airport’s total scope 2 electricity use emissions to be reported as zero t CO2e, using a market-based methodology. In the long term, Auckland Airport plans to seek a power purchase agreement for new renewable electricity generation either on- or off-site.

We expect that approximately 10% of our 2019 scope 1 and 2 emissions will remain in 2030. These residual emissions will be neutralised by the purchase of permanent carbon removals.

Reducing our indirect (scope 3) emissions

Scope 1 and 2 emissions make up only a small proportion of Auckland Airport’s GHG emissions inventory. The vast majority of emissions that occur as a consequence of operating New Zealand’s largest airport are outside our direct operational control. More than 96% of Auckland Airport’s emissions come from the operation of aircraft. As a hard-to-abate sector, the decarbonisation of aviation is a complex and long-term endeavour that requires collaboration with all parts of the industry and reduction in our scope 3 emissions is reliant on the actions of our aviation customers and partners.

We are working with our airline, ground handling and air navigation partners to increase operational efficiency and reduce the impact of aviation on the environment.

This includes:

  • Provision of EV chargers on the airfield to enable ground handlers to adopt low-emissions ground support equipment.
  • Supplying ground power units (GPUs) and pre-conditioned air (PCA) at all international gates so aircraft can connect to New Zealand’s low carbon electricity supply instead of burning jet fuel while at the gate. GPUs will be installed at all gates in our new domestic jet facility.
  • Ongoing work with Airways and airlines to reduce aircraft fuel burn while on the ground and on approach to Auckland Airport by setting fuel-saving flight paths, allocating taxiways to minimise aircraft taxi time, and just-in-time pushback allowing aircraft to delay engine use.
  • Involvement in industry groups focused on enabling the decarbonisation of aviation.
  • Advocacy and engagement with government and industry bodies.

The most important role an airport can play in the decarbonisation of the wider aviation sector is to ensure the right ground infrastructure is in place to enable the adoption of future aircraft technologies and fuels as they become widely available, such as Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF), electric and hydrogen-powered aircraft. So-called ‘drop-in’ SAF is already able to be delivered to aircraft via Auckland Airport’s refuelling hydrant system, and we are engaging with our airline partners to understand their future requirements for alternative aircraft fuels and technologies. We have ensured our 30-year masterplan anticipates and makes provision for these future needs.

Similarly, we are future-proofing our transport network to enhance connectivity and provide for low emission transport modes. Our 30-year masterplan accommodates a variety of transport options, including active modes such as cycling and walking, mass rapid transit (bus and light rail), and the anticipated increase in EVs.

We are also actively addressing our construction emissions in the design of our development projects. The Transport Hub has achieved a 5-Star Green certification for the office building and a Gold Parksmart rating for the car park, this is the first parking building to achieve a Gold Parksmart rating in New Zealand. Our new premium shopping outlet mall, Mānawa Bay, has achieved a 5-Star Green building design rating and represents the first dedicated shopping centre to receive a Green Star rating for its design. Other key sustainability initiatives at Mānawa Bay include optimising resources through waste minimisation, reducing carbon emissions, supporting local communities, and enhancing our environment.

Our greenhouse gas footprint

Auckland Airport is committed to achieving long-term energy and carbon reductions across its operations.

1In the 2023 financial year Auckland Airport introduced a wider range of scope 3 emissions sources in an aim to align disclosure with the international Airport Carbon Accreditation framework. This includes aircraft full flight emissions as well as contractor vehicles, airside vehicles and tenant electricity usage.

2In the 2023 financial year we have updated our GHG scope 3 inventory to include full flight emissions, replacing the previous calculation of aircraft landing and take-off in FY22.

For Auckland Airport’s full 2024 financial year emissions profile refer to our Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory Report.

Information within the greenhouse gas inventory report has been assured by Deloitte in accordance with Greenhouse Gas Protocol: A Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard (2004).

Climate Leaders Coalition

In 2017 Auckland Airport was among the first wave of New Zealand businesses to join the Climate Leaders Coalition. The Coalition commits the signatory organisations (now comprising over 100) to take voluntary action on climate change and to work together to help New Zealand transition to a low carbon economy.

We have now signed the most recent Statement of Ambition published in 2022, committing to:

  • Set short- and long-term science-aligned scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions reduction targets
  • Assess and disclose climate-related risks and opportunities
  • Prepare a climate action plan that details how we are contributing to New Zealand’s decarbonisation, adaptation journey and the restoration of nature
  • Support stakeholders, including employees, suppliers and customers to reduce their emissions.

Understanding and mitigating the impacts of climate change

As New Zealand’s largest airport, Auckland Airport is an important economic engine for New Zealand, making a significant contribution to the Auckland community and helping to grow the country’s success in travel, trade and tourism. Our operations deliver high levels of availability, reliability and resilience, and we recognise climate change has the potential to affect our business, both through physical impacts and in the transition to a low-carbon economy. We are committed to reducing our carbon footprint, improving our operational resilience and adapting to the predicted effects of a changing climate now and into the future. We are also committed to supporting others, particularly in the aviation sector, to reduce carbon emissions.

Auckland Airport’s 2024 Climate Change Disclosure Report is compliant with the New Zealand External Reporting Board’s Climate-related Disclosure standards.