Recruitment Process

The selection process for AES covers several selection phases:

  1. The application phase
  2. The Pre-Entry Physical Test phase
  3. The Practical Ability phase
  4. The Interview phase
  5. The Reference Check, Medical and Security Clearance Phase.

The first stage to achieve success in is the Pre-Entry Physical testing phase. This is a really important stage and is a rigorous test to ensure that entering into a career with the level of physical activity required of Emergency Service work is safe for you.

Do you have questions about the recruitment process? Don’t hesitate to contact us now.

Evolution 1 – Hose reel simulated extension

Pre Entry Physical Test

All candidates must pass a standardised test to ensure they can meet the physical requirements of the role. This is done through the Pre Entry Physical Test (PPT). The PPT involves a maximal effort beep test to determine the candidates’ aerobic capacity.

After a brief recovery window, successful candidates must undertake testing of Job Related Fitness Tests through seven evolutions designed to test the candidates’ aerobic fitness, muscular endurance and strength.

Test 1 – 20 Metre Beep Test

This test is used to estimate the candidates VO2 max (maximum oxygen uptake).

The test involves running continuously between two points that are 20 m apart. These runs are synchronized with pre-recorded laptop software, which plays beeps at set intervals. As the test proceeds, the interval between each successive beep reduces, forcing the candidate to increase their speed over the course of the test, until it is impossible to keep in sync with the recording (or, in rare occasions, if the athlete completes the test). If the candidate fails to make the line before the next beep they are given a warning and must make the next 20m before the beep. The recording is typically structured into 21 'levels', each of which lasts around 62 seconds.

The interval of beeps is calculated as requiring a speed at the start of 8.5 km/h, increasing by 0.5 km/h with each level thereafter. The progression from one level to the next is signalled by 3 quick beeps.

The highest level attained before failing to keep up is recorded as the score for that test. Candidates must complete a minimum of Level 8.6 (equating to approx. 42ml/kg/min VO2) to be considered able to advance onto the job related fitness test.

However, as the selection is competitive, candidates should give themselves every opportunity of advancing by scoring as high as they are able.

A brief recovery period will be allowed for all candidates.

Test 2 – Job Related Fitness Tests

Evolution 1 – Hose reel simulated extension

Evolution 2 – Equipment / stretcher carry

Evolution 3 – Horizontal haul

Evolution 4 – Step block with bandolier

Evolution 5 – Hose carry and confined space

Evolution 6 – Step block with bandolier

Evolution 7 – Ski ERG

Evolution 8 – Sled drag

Check out our video playlist for more detail on each evolution!

Evolution 7 - SKI ERG