Calling all youth leaders

04 August 2013

South Auckland youth awards

Nominations for the Auckland Airport Tamaki Makaurau Youth Awards are now open.

The awards look to acknowledge leadership among young people aged 13 to 18 across eight categories. Past winners have demonstrated leadership in mentoring, sports and community safety, and this year sees the addition of tobacco control/quitting, alcohol and drug harm reduction, nutrition and physical activity, demonstrating role modelling and care of children.

Event organiser and public health coordinator at Raukura Hauora o Tainui, Rachel Puru, is honoured to be part of the event.

“It’s a privilege to hear what youth have been up to and to celebrate that. These are our up-and-coming leaders. They are truly inspiring.”

This is the third year in a row that Auckland Airport has been a primary sponsor of the awards and general manager corporate affairs Charles Spillane says the company is thrilled to be able to do so.

The awards event is open to all ethnicities and will be part of the Atamira Maori in the City event being held at Queens Wharf from September 6 to 8.

For more information and to get a nomination form visit