Gaining an edge in HOT markets

06 May 2013

TRENZ speaker series

While invited international travel and tourism buyers learned more about what makes New Zealand a fantastic tourist destination, local tourism operators gained insights that could help them win more business in the country’s “high opportunity target” (HOT) markets.

The opportunity came through the Auckland Airport breakfast speaker series at last month’s TRENZ conference, the tourism industry’s showcase event held in Auckland.

Three China and South East Asia experts featured in the series: international consultant Dr Pawel Grochowicz looked at the long-term trends shaping New Zealand’s inbound tourism; Weibo general manager Ken Hong talked about how to use China’s answer to Twitter to enter the Chinese market and; Vocanic Indonesia social media expert David Chalken looked at effectively using online and digital marketing in the Indonesian, Malaysian and Indian markets.

Attracting between 150 and 200 people for each session, this year’s speaker series saw unprecented attendance numbers and was the most well-attended the airport has ever held. It is part of Auckland Airport’s Ambition2020 initiative.

To find out more about each of the three speakers and read their full presentations.