Sustainability process consultation identifies key topics

05 August 2012

waste management team

Auckland Airport’s sustainability consultation process is drawing to a close and has elicited comments from far-flung corners of the world including India and Turkey.

At first look, the comments and submissions form a group of key topics, including aircraft noise, climate change, economic performance, sustainable transport to and from the airport, environmental protection and the airport’s social contribution.

While some submissions were very detailed – the NZ Bus and Coach Association produced a four-page response – many concentrated on specific topics rather than the broader strategy.

Auckland Airport sustainability adviseor Martin Fryer says the airport can take it as a sign that it has met stakeholder expectations in terms of the plan’s content, reflecting the experience gained from the first plan.

“The results of the consultation exercise will be analysed and a final draft produced for discussion and sign-off with senior management. I’d like to also say thank you to everyone who contributed.”